Good thermal and acoustic insulation capacity, air and water tightness and a high degree of security against burglary are the main performance features that a fixture must have to ensure you attain the maximum residential comfort.

Glazing gasket and joints in elastic material will be your allies against rain and wind. But pay attention also to the corners, which are the real critical points of any window!

This is why special vulcanise corners are used in the metal frames that enable optimal continuity of the seal along the entire perimeter of the frame. Moreover, the worse the weather gets, the more these defence systems increase their performance.

prestazioni isolamento termico acustico

Thermal insulation

You can be certain that your new fixture will ensure proper insulation of your home, depending on the climatic zone in which it lies. This will enable you to achieve a high level of energy efficiency and so contain heating and air conditioning costs.
Moreover, creating the right conditions of thermal insulation means improving the living conditions inside the building, making it healthier and more comfortable.

prestazioni isolamento termico acustico

Resistance to the weather

A good fixture must protect not only from temperatures that are too low or too high but also from rain, snow and wind. To provide the utmost seal against water and wind stress, a fixture must be based on technical and engineering techniques that establish several layers of barriers through stop and pre-chamber gasket, as well as the layout of the internal channelling of rain water that enables its continuous and constant expulsion through appropriate slots and processes conducted on the frames of the fixtures. The simple sealing of glazed plugging is no guarantee since it too easily deteriorates over time. This is all a matter of technique, this is what stops leaks and prolongs the fixture's life cycle and ensures complete defence against the weather.

Resistenza agli agenti climatici

Acoustic insulation

To exclude outside noise, choose a fixture with good acoustic insulation capacity, especially in urban centres, industrial zones or near to busy roads.
Top quality frames, excellence insulating seals, numerous locking points on the frame, hinged openings and installation in accordance with best practice are the fundamental prerequisites to obtain a good result.
Finally, it should be remembered that double-glazing and the thickness of the individual sheets of glass play a vital role in acoustic insulation.
NB: In accordance with the current regulations, the sheets must always be laminated, inside and outside the building, under any installation conditions.

Resistenza agli agenti climatici

Thermal insulation

To stop the heat flows from inside the building outwards, polyamide listels with insulating properties are inserted. This is the “thermal insulation” technique used in aluminium fixtures and it eliminates the problem of outgoing heat loss in winter and incoming heat in summer. In this way, the ideal heat transfer is created that is even able to prevent the formation of condensation.

taglio termico en

The open joint

The open joint system is the best for air and water tightness. It is used inside the aluminium frames, where a central seal is inserted that prevents the passage of air and water by pressing against a “fin”, that is, the protruding part of a second internal seal. In this way, the more the wind blows, the more the first seal presses against the second, increasing the hold.

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